Mit langjähriger Erfahrung im Distributionsgeschäft ist my•chem Ihr verlässlicher Partner in der Rohstoffversorgung von chemischen Produkten.
CHF 24 to CHF 390
MYCHEM GmbH. Winterthurerstrasse 71. CH-8006 Zürich. E-Mail: team(at)mychem.ch. Telephone: 062 962 80 57 NO ORDER ACCEPTANCE Collections only by prior ...
MY-CHEM is a young and dynamic company formed in 2001 and offers a different approach to the main-stream chemical distribution process. We are not a trading ...
Since the year 2000 when it was founded, MY-CHEM has become successfully established at the interface between the producers of chemical raw materials and ...
MYCHEM.CH is a purely Swiss family online shop for customers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein who appreciate the highest service and quality standards with ...
MYCHEM offers sanitizers, dietary supplements, natural substances, soaps, candles, electroplating chemicals, and precious metal solders.
We specialize in making modified and dye labeled nucleotides (nucleoside triphosphate, nucleoside polyphosphate and phosphoramidite).
My-Chem GmbH was founded in 2000. The Company's line of business includes the wholesale distribution of chemicals and allied products.